Comment Board

Smiley++ Tell us your opinion about Robin: Lady of Legend, or write messages to author R.M. ArceJaeger here!++Smiley


18 Responses to Comment Board

  1. Tony says:

    The Robin story sounds interesting, I’d like to see more of the story description and reviews before buying.
    The latest robin Hood film with Russel Crowe had an interesting spin on the legend, I’m interested in these type of stories.
    Good luck,

  2. R.C. says:

    Sell your book for more. People should pay at least $20 for a taste of this fantastic novel.

  3. Matt S. says:

    Just a quick note to say hi and that I just finished Lady of Legend. FANTASTIC!!! Making Robin a young woman was fiendishly clever on your part and really breathed new life into a classic tale.

    I wrote a nice gushing review over on Amazon about it ๐Ÿ˜‰

    Looking forward to reading your further works! Good luck with the amazon breakthrough novelist contest as well!

    • R.M. ArceJaeger says:

      Thank you, Matt! I am really glad you like it. Your review and comment very made me happy — I haven’t stopped smiling yet

  4. Matt S. says:

    You deserve the praise =)
    Any hints on future works?

    • R.M. ArceJaeger says:

      Your review said you wanted a sequel =). I actually wrote Robin: Lady of Legend not intending for it to have one — however, after I was done I kind of wanted to continue my characters’ stories. I even have an idea for how a sequel might start. If there’s enough interest in one, I’ll probably write a sequel (and may write one anyway), but likely not for a while. I have several other books that are waiting to be written write now, so I’ll probably pen one or two of them first.

  5. Marie says:

    I seriously think you should write a sequel to Robin: Lady of Legend. I loved the story and really got attached to the characters. The story was riveting but it didn’t feel quite finished. I want to know what happens to them after Robin leaves the camp, and after she married Little John. I think it would be in a lot of people interests if you soon wrote a sequel to the book. ๐Ÿ™‚ You could say that I just loved the story that much;)

    • R.M. ArceJaeger says:

      =) Thank you. I will certainly consider a sequel! I have some ideas for things I’d want to cover if I did write one some day.

    • Tania says:

      I’m going to second that opinion. I read a lot of Amazon’s fare, and really enjoyed this take on Robin Hood. I want to know how the trip to London goes, and if the “merry men” ever get to leave the forest!

  6. Joy says:

    I read the ebook last night (am a quick reader) and thoroughly enjoyed it. I haven’t stopped thinking about this morning either. I recommend it to everyone who enjoys a historical romance, a grand adventure, and a well written story. The story shows the author’s love of the original storyline, the culture and times of Robin Hood, and the art of outlawishness – and yes that is a word. It drew me in, appealed to the inner noble in me, and the adventure that I am certain every woman longs for. With its colourful characters, dramatic rescue scenes, and its flare for the heroic, Robin Hood, Lady of Legend is a fantastic read! Well done ArceJaeger for your superb work!
    This was the review I placed on Amazon and Goodreads. Thank you ArceJaeger for a wonderful read! ๐Ÿ™‚

  7. Gay Jamison says:

    Please write a second book…want to hear more of this story. WONDERFUL read ,loved every moment of this book….could not put it down till I was done with it….made me feel as if I was in the camp….loved it!!!!

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